1 cup of coffee can be saved every day from kidney transplant - Home remedies.com

1 cup of coffee can be saved every day from kidney transplant

Research has shown that people who consume a cup of coffee every day, their chances of getting CKD i.e. chronic kidney disease are significantly reduced. Most people like to drink coffee. This is why coffee is the most used beverage in the world. Drinking coffee has many health benefits if it is consumed in limited quantities as per the requirement. You will be happy to know that a new benefit has been added to the list of benefits of drinking coffee, which has been revealed in a recent research.


Recent research has revealed that drinking coffee improves kidney function. This research is published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. According to the researchers, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys have little ability to filter the vest and the kidneys gradually stop functioning. If this problem is not resolved in a timely manner, the probability of renal failure increases manifold. It is then treated only by dialysis and kidney transplant.


Kidney failure is caused by diabetes and high blood pressure, while it has many chronic areas. These may point to the rise of many other deadly diseases globally. For example, according to the study of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015, there have been 1.2 million deaths and 19 million life disabilities due to heart diseases due to various reasons.


Oliver J. associated with the Gleim Wide Association Study (GWAS). The effect of coffee consumption on kidney was observed by Kennedy and team. For this research, the researchers used baseline data from the UK Biobank. Details of 2 lakh 27 thousand 666 patients were taken for this data. Research has shown that people who consume a cup of coffee every day, their chances of getting CKD i.e. chronic kidney disease are significantly reduced. Because coffee impedes kidney function and maintains kidney health.

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