difference between raw food and cooked food - Home remedies.com

difference between raw food and cooked food

 big benefits from eating raw fruits and vegetables instead of cooking
vitamins I Banana I fruits I vegetables I health I minerals I Green vegetables I nutrients

Fruits are considered the biggest source of raw food.

By cooking the vegetables, you eat them every day and of course they are also tasty but some vegetables are such that the nutrients of the body are destroyed by eating them. In addition, it weakens your digestive system. So if you want good health, then adding raw vegetables in your diet can be beneficial for your health.

Most fruits mainly contain vitamins and if they are fresh, they also contain fewer calories. Eating fruits help promote slow and healthy digestion of fiber. Such as Banana, Carrie, and Papipa. Green vegetables are rich in minerals and if there is leafy vegetables, then protein is found in it, so eating raw of some vegetables is beneficial for your health. Such as cabbage, cabbage, broccoli.
vitamins I Banana I fruits I vegetables I health I minerals I Green vegetables I nutrients

There are many vegetables which are more used in cooking spices and these spices destroy the nutrients. However, eating raw vegetables to some vegetables is not only good for health, but it is also rich in nutrients.

Excess oil spice affects your digestive system poorly. So eating raw vegetables in some vegetables is good for health.

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