instant indian home remedy by baking soda for constipation
instant indian home remedy by baking soda for constipation
Hello Guys In this blog You know about instant indian home remedy by baking soda for constipation and you can treat Your Self
1. Increase your fiber intake: Eating foods high in fiber helps to keep your stools soft and regular. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
2. Drink more water: Increasing your water intake helps to keep stools soft and is essential for digestion.
3. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise helps to stimulate your digestive system and can help to ease constipation.
4. Take a spoonful of castor oil: Castor oil is a traditional home remedy for constipation. Take a spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach.
5. Try prunes: Prunes are a popular home remedy for constipation. Eat a few prunes every day to help regulate your bowel movements.
6. Try triphala: Triphala is a traditional Indian herbal remedy that is often used to treat constipation. Take 1/2 teaspoon of triphala powder with warm water before bed.
7. Try flaxseed: Flaxseed is high in fiber and can help to relieve constipation. Grind up some flaxseed and add it to your smoothies or sprinkle it on your food.
baking soda for constipation
Baking soda is not recommended as a remedy for constipation. It may provide temporary relief, but the side effects, such as increased gas, bloating, and electrolyte imbalance, can be dangerous. There are better remedies for constipation, such as increasing your dietary fiber intake, drinking plenty of fluids, and engaging in regular physical activity.
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